TCI Aluminum provides design assistance and support to our customers. TCI Aluminum aftermarket components are designed for performance and manufacturability. Prototype tooling is designed to provide production intent parts that are used for performance and endurance testing. Production tooling is produced directly from the CAD models developed in the design phase of the project.
TCI Aluminum specializes in supplying machined aluminum, iron, and steel components. Experience in casting processes and production provides the unique ability to manage variation. Eliminate the headaches of dealing with separate suppliers. One Source = One Responsibility.
Machining Capabilities

Aluminum Sand Castings
Are produced on Hunter 20x24 automatic molding machines. Our full shell core-making capability supports our focus on complex highly engineered aluminum castings. Everything we cast is machined at TCI Aluminum in Spring Lake.
Because we feature total capabilities at one location, we can offer fully machined prototype development parts in aluminum and ductile iron.
Aluminum Casting

Castings are loaded directly onto engineered fixtures for heat treatment. Parts are processed in automatic continuous furnaces for quick turnaround and reduced leadtimes to machining and our customers.
Heat Treatment